Title Bibliografía Española (The Spanish Bibliography)
Web site address http://www.bne.es/en/Servicios/BibliografiaEspanola/ 
Start date Began 1959 
Period covered Printed: 1958-2006
CD-ROM: 1976-2007
On-line: 2007 to date
Current size On line database: 206,250
CD-ROM: 1,222,500
Media covered Monographs, serials, cartography and printed music (electronic and printed)
General selection criteria Includes Spanish publishing output received by the National Library of Spain under the Legal Deposit Act
Selection criteria for digital resources The coverage of the Spanish Bibliography includes direct access electronic resource received under Legal Deposit but not on-line resource. Including on line resource is in progress
Exclusions policies applied The Spanish Bibliography excludes school books for children and primary school and minor publications
Primary organisation responsible for national bibliographic control The National Library of Spain is responsible for the national bibliographic control, it is the national bibliographic agency (NBA) 
Web site address of national bibliographic agency http://www.bne.es/es/LaBNE/ http://www.bne.es/es/Servicios/ 
Co-operative structures or  relationships supporting the production of the national bibliography There is no a co-operative structure for national bibliography 
Single integrated or multiple categorised bibliographies The Spanish Bibliography is a single publication with different types of materials organized in separate files
Sources of bibliographic metadata used to produce national bibliography The source to produce NB is data created in-house: bibliographic records of the National Library of Spain (NLS)
Relationship to national legal deposit legislation or voluntary deposit arrangements Material included in the Spanish Bibliography is received by the National Library of Spain under Legal Deposit law. Printers are obliged by law to send copies of all new printed publications
Relationship to national Cataloguing in Publication (CIP) programme There is no CIP programme in the National Library of Spain
No pre publication records 
Media & format options The Spanish Bibliography is available in the following formats:
Printed 1958-2006 replaced by PDF version 2007- to date
CD-ROM 1976-2007
MARC exchange file 
Access options to national bibliographic metadata Web catalogue and Spanish Bibliography on line, Z39.50    
Metadata enhancements offered via online services Table of contents and book jackets, project with some universities is now beginning to develop
Web 2.0 services offered  -
Frequency of service updates The Spanish Bibliography on line updates: Monographs  (monthly), Serials (quarterly), Printed music (annually) and Cartography (biannually)
Target audiences for services Librarian professionals in general, scientific researches, members of the public and book trade
Uses made of  services offered Acquisition/selection, derived cataloguing and regional and thematic bibliographies
Pricing policy for national bibliographic services Spanish Bibliography on line operate on a free basis
Availability of metadata for re-use Spanish Bibliography metadata is released for free into the public domain without restriction (except for profit business)
Metadata formats MARC21
Cataloguing code Reglas de Catalogación (RdC) Spanish cataloguing rules, ICP
Levels of description offered ISBD, RdC Level 2
Subject standards UDC, Encabezamientos de Materia de la Biblioteca Nacional de España (EMBNE)
Name authority standards RdC / GARR
Is NBA affiliated to IFLA SC? Yes
Date information submitted February 2010
Information supplied by Francisca Movilla López
Chief of Spanish Bibliography Sectión
National Libray of Spain